Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Wiki

20200531 Garden Image 01

Lottie Help me plan a wedding extravaganza!

Event Period

From 5/31/20 at 6:00 a.m. to 6/11/20 at 5:59 a.m. Catch lots of ringwings to have a wedding-themed party in the camp!

20200531 Garden 02

Seeds in the First Half

You can only get one type of seed during the first half of this event.

The pale bloomtonnieres are the flowers for the first half. When these bloom, they may attract pink ringwings or green ringwings.

For further details on how to play, see below.

How to Play

To help you get started, there are also packs available for purchase now!

20200531 Garden 03

20200531 Garden 04


· This event is divided into two halves.

· The second half of the event will start on 6/4/20 at 6:00 a.m.

· You can still collect rewards from the first half of the event during the second half.

· You can exchange pale bloomtonnieres acquired from the first half of the event for y. bloomtonniere seeds.

· Sample images may feature items from past or future events that have been placed in the image for example purposes.

· Items from this event may become available again in the future.

· There may be other packs with different content sold as well.

Posted: May 31, 2020 at 12:00 AM

